
We can't keep change from coming, but we can control our reaction to it and even come to welcome it through the transformative power of God's Word. 

So many things in life change: interest rates, social norms, hairstyles, fashions, and people's expectations, just to name a few. These changes impact us in big ways and small ways, in positive ways and negative ways. You may feel like you are constantly battling these changes that make your life feel unsteady. But even in our constantly-changing world, Christians have hope because our God never changes. 

#1 New York Times bestselling author and beloved Bible teacher Joyce Meyer wants you to know that even though everything around us shakes and changes, we can stand on a firm foundation in Christ. He has promised to never leave us or forsake us. No matter what you are walking through, you have been given the lifeline of hope and assurance that can never be taken away or changed. Not only that, but He works all changes for good in our lives, even the most painful and difficult ones. 

In The Courage to Change, you will be equipped to handle the shifts in your life and blessed by the confidence of God. You can grow your faith to believe more deeply that He is working in and through all things. Each day brings the hope of new life, so let go of old attitudes and embrace the wonderful opportunities God has given you today!