
There’s the office: President of the United States. And then there’s the man in the office—prone to temptation and looking to unwind after a long day running the country. Celebrating the decidedly less distinguished side of the nation’s leaders, humor writer Brian Abrams offers a compelling, hilarious, and true American history on the rocks—a Washington-to-Obama, vice-by-vice chronicle of how the presidents like to party.

From explicit love letters to slurred speeches to nude swims at Bing Crosby’s house, reputations are ruined and secrets bared. George Washington brokered the end of the? American Revolution over glasses of Madeira. Ulysses S. Grant rarely drew a sober breath when he was leading the North to victory. And it wasn’t all liquor. Some presidents preferred their drugs—Nixon was a pill-popper. And others chased women instead—both ?the professorial Woodrow Wilson (who signed his love letters “Tiger”) and the good ol’ boy Bill Clinton, though neither could hold a candle to Kennedy, who also received the infamous Dr. Feelgood’s “vitamin” injections of pure amphetamine.

Illustrated throughout with infographics (James Garfield’s attempts at circumnavigating the temperance movement), comic strips (George Bush Sr.’s infamous televised vomiting incident), caricatures, and fake archival documents, the book has the smart, funny feel of Mad magazine meets The Colbert Report. Plus, it includes recipes for 44 cocktails inspired by each chapter’s partier-in-chief.


" entertaining read." - The Chicago Tribune
"Brian Abrams has written the definitive account of White House alcoholism. So before you vote on whose inebriated finger gets to push the button and maybe kick off World War End of Story, read Party Like a President. There’s no better way to enjoy the declining days of this American empire than reading a book that teaches you how your favorite presidents got plastered."
- Roseanne Barr —Roseanne Barr
"Infotainment and history mix well in this delightful cocktail of facts, factoids, and myths about our imbibing leaders."
Don Fulsom, author of Nixon’s Darkest Secrets —Don Fulsom
Brian Abrams has unearthed a trove of incredible presidential vices that will make you wonder how the U.S. government has managed to function as long as it has.
— Matthew Algeo, author of Harry Truman’s Excellent Adventure and The President Is a Sick Man —Matthew Algeo
"Abrams hoists a stein of pithy irreverence to all the American presidents and their drinks. Each chapter runs riot with wry rye, yet pauses to tap the right spot and pace out the most intoxicating of his many tales. And herein, and only herein can the universe discover that most sacred of recovered lost treasures: Nellie Taft’s controversial knock-them-off-their-socks recipe for champagne punch."
Carl Sferrazza Anthony, author of Nellie Taft: The Unconventional First Lady of the Ragtime Era —Carl Sferrazza Anthony
"If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear Brian was a 200-year-old pot dealer who always shows up with a six-pack. He’s got the goods on all the commander-in-chiefs’ vices in exquisite detail. He’s like the Ken Burns of presidential alcoholism."
I> actor Samm Levine, Freaks and Geeks —Samm Levine
"It should come as no surprise to anyone how much of human history is the result of great leaders trying to get laid. But then you read Party Like a President and realize that the skirt-chasing and debauchery at 1600 Penn could rival the worst (or best) of frat parties. The Tri-Lambs have nothing on these nerds."
actor Andrew Cassese, Wormser from Revenge of the Nerds —Andrew Cassese
"I’ve read the book, and I can pretty safely say that most of the words are spelled correctly. He’s got a good sense of where to put commas and periods."
Gilbert Gottfried —Gilbert Gottfried
"Finally, a book on American history that I’d actually read."
actress Artemis Pebdani, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia —Artemis Pebdani
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