The Office Answer Wheel

Give It a Spin!

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Apr 6, 2021

Page Count

40 Pages




Inspired by an iconic prize wheel, this humorous gag gift includes a mini spinning answer wheel with a sarcastic twist—the perfect desktop companion for your home or office.

Does your boss, officemate, or family constantly pester you with a seemingly endless supply of questions, requests (read: demands), and assignments?

If you're tired of the parade of questions from your boss, kids, or coworkers, simply turn to your trusty Office Answer Wheel, give the wheel a gentle spin, and let whatever answer it lands on determine the asker's fate.

Answers include:
Count Me In
I Call Early Weekend
Yes, and I Love Your Hair
Ask Me Next Week
I'll Have It in by 5
I Demand Coffee
I'll Do Overtime for This
This Desk Is out of Service
Sounds Great
All Signs Point to No

Meet The Author: Andrew Farago

Shaenon K. Garrity is a cartoonist and science fiction writer best known for the webcomics Narbonic and Skin Horse. She is the co-author of The Zombie Gnome Defense Guide and the writer of the graphic novel Willowweep Manor.

Andrew Farago is the curator of the Cartoon Art Museum in San Francisco and author of Batman: The Definitive History of The Dark Knight in Comics, Film, and Beyond. He is also the co-author of The Zombie Gnome Defense Guide. He lives in Berkeley with his wife, Shaenon K. Garrity, and their son, Robin.

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