Jim Wright

Jim Wright is the author of several books about nature, a prize-winning journalist, and the birding columnist for The Record, Northern New Jersey’s leading newspaper. He has hosted screech owls in his backyard nest box since 2004 and observed them via a nest cam for more than a decade. He leads a campaign to ban the rat poisons that kill owls and other wildlife. He lives in Allendale, New Jersey, where he is a marsh warden.
Scott Weston has been involved with birding and owling for over 35 years, going on pre-dawn Audubon Christmas bird counts since he was 11. In 2009, using squirrel-resistant nest boxes of his own design, he set up a screech owl trail that has fledged over 130 owletsAn accomplished photographer, Scott has contributed to local and national publications, including Cornell’s All About Backyard Birds. He lives in northeastern Massachusetts.
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